The foundation of Green Deal Houses (Holding) BV (GDH) is formed by three core specializations, which together guarantee:
- Architecture: Jo Rutzen (Link: Jo Rutzen – LinkedIn ) (link: naar jorutzenholdingbv.com )
- Project / Business and concept development: Bart Borghans (link: Bart Borghans | XING)
- Construction/housing and contract law.
These 3 parties together founded Green Deal Houses (Holding) / GDH in March 2023;
This in the conviction that new, better living environments with a lasting good balance between people, nature and living and recreational space must be created. Key words here include: optimization of available living and landscape space, use of bio-based building materials, sustainability, regenerative energy generation & storage, providing environmentally friendly (own) water purification, etc.
Many of these matters are also described in the 17 sustainable development goals of the UN Sustainable Development Goals – United Nations – Dutch (unric.org) -Dutch, Sustainable Development Goals remain EU’s “compass” (unric.org) – English
17 Ziele – Vereinte Nationen – Regionales Informationszentrum für Westeuropa (unric.org) – Deutsch
and the EU Green Deal Agreement concluded in the last year: English: ( A Renovation Wave for Europe – greening our buildings, creating jobs, improving lives ) Dutch: A renovation wave for Europe – greener buildings, more jobs, better quality of life ), German: A wave of renovations for Europe – greener buildings, more jobs and better living conditions Hence our company name: Green Deal Houses with the proposition: Sustainable living for a greener future!
Bart Borghans and Jo Rutzen together form the board and conduct the day-to-day management. They are happy to discuss the project possibilities in/for your (immediate) environment with you.
Contact them at: info@gdhbv.com